Darwin’s Mobile DJ Disc Jockeys & Performers Coming Soon!
People of the Darwin area had better prepare themselves… because Ultima Music’s premium quality DJ Disc Jockey and Entertainers services is coming soon! Our highly skilled professionals have years of expertise under their belt – experience over a range of events and a fun and fresh personality. Whether it be a wedding, birthday function, school social event or karaoke competition night, Ultima Music has it all covered!
From initial enquiry to the event itself, our friendly and dedicated staff will support you 110% of the way, ensuring your event is stress-free and a memorable experience for yourself as well as your guests. With state-of-the-art equipment and experienced professionals, all at an affordable price, you can’t go wrong when booking with Ultima Music.
We’re only a quick call away! Get in contact with us to find out about estimated dates in which our services could be in your area on 0401 803 123. Refer to our ‘Contact Us‘ section for contact information.
Below are a list of areas Ultima Music will be offering their services to: Darwin City, Greater Darwin, Suburbs & Towns.
Acacia Hills, 0822
Adelaide River, 0846
Aherrenge, 0872
Aileron, 0871
Alawa, 0810
Ali Curung, 0872
Alice Springs, 0870, 0871, 0872
Alyangula, 0885
Amata, 0872
Amoonguna, 0872
Angurugu, 0822
Anula, 0812
Araluen, 0870
Archer, 0830
Areyonga, 0872
Arnhem, 0801
Arnold, 0852
Avon Downs, 0862
Ayers Rock, 0872
Bagot, 0820
Bakewell, 0832
Banka Banka, 0862
Barrow Creek, 0872
Barunga, 0852
Batchelor, 0845
Bathurst Island, 0822
Bayview, 0820
Bayview Haven, 0820
Bees Creek, 0822
Bellamack, 0832
Berrimah, 0828, 0829
Berry Springs, 0837, 0838
Beswick, 0852
Borroloola, 0854
Braitling, 0870
Brinkin, 0810
Brunchilly, 0861
Buffalo Creek, 0812
Carpentaria, 0850
Casuarina, 0810, 0811
Charles Darwin, 0820
Charles Darwin University, 0815, 0909
Ciccone, 0870
Coconut Grove, 0810
Connellan, 0870
Coolalinga, 0835, 0839
Coonawarra, 0820
Cossack, 0850
Cox Peninsula, 0822
Cullen Bay, 0820
Daly, 0822
Daly River, 0822
Daly Waters, 0852
Darwin, 0800, 0801
Darwin DC, 0820
Darwin International Airport, 0800
Darwin MC, 0800
Darwin North, 0820
Darwin River, 0822, 0841
Darwin River Dam, 0822
Davenport, 0872
Delamere, 0852
Desert Springs, 0870
Driver, 0830
Dundee Beach, 0840
Dundee Downs, 0840
Dundee Forest, 0840
Dunmarra, 0852
Durack, 0830
East Arm, 0822
East Point, 0820
East Side, 0870
Eaton, 0820
Edith, 0852
Eliza, 0872
Elliott, 0862
Erldunda, 0872
Ewyenper Atwatye, 0828
Fannie Bay, 0820
Farrar, 0830
Finke, 0872
Fleming, 0822
Florina, 0852
Fly Creek, 0822
Fountain Head, 0846
Frances Bay, 0800
Frances Creek, 0847
Freds Pass, 0822
Fregon, 0872
Galiwinku, 0822
Gan Gan, 0801
Gapuwiyak, 0880
Gillen, 0870
Girraween, 0836
Goulbourn Island, 0822
Gove, 0880
Gray, 0830
Groote Eylandt, 0801
Gunn, 0832
Gunn Point, 0822
Gunyangara, 0880
Haasts Bluff, 0872
Hayes Creek, 0822
Herbert, 0836
Hermannsburg, 0872
Hidden Valley, 0828
Holtze, 0829
Howard East, 0835
Howard Springs, 0835
Hugh River, 0870
Humpty Doo, 0836
Ilparpa, 0870
Jabiru, 0886
Jabiru East, 0886
Jilkminggan, 0852
Jingili, 0810
Johnston, 0832
Kakadu, 0822
Kalkaringi, 0852
Karama, 0812
Katherine, 0850, 0851, 0852
Katherine East, 0850
Katherine South, 0850
King Ash Bay, 0854
Kintore, 0872
Knuckey Lagoon, 0828
Knuckeys Lagoon, 0852
Kulgera, 0872
Lajamanu, 0852
Lake Bennett, 0822
Lambells Lagoon, 0822
Lansdowne, 0850
Larapinta, 0870
Larrakeyah, 0820
Larrimah, 0852
Leanyer, 0812
Lee Point, 0810
Livingstone, 0822
Lloyd Creek, 0822
Ludmilla, 0820
Lyons, 0810
Malak, 0812
Maningrida, 0822
Manton, 0837
Marlow Lagoon, 0830
Marrakai, 0822
Marrara, 0812
Marryat, 0870
Mataranka, 0852
McArthur, 0852
McMinns Lagoon, 0822
Melville Island, 0822
Middle Point, 0822
Milikapiti, 0822
Milingimbi, 0822
Millner, 0810
Mimili, 0872
Minjilang, 0822
Mitchell, 0832
Moil, 0810
Moulden, 0830
Mt Bundey, 0822
Muirhead, 0810
Murrumujuk, 0822
Nabarlek, 0801
Nakara, 0810
Newcastle Waters, 0862
Nguiu, 0822
Ngukurr, 0852
Nhulunbuy, 0880, 0881
Nightcliff, 0810, 0814
Nightcliff Private Boxes, 0814
Noonamah, 0837
Northlakes, 0812
Oenpelli, 0822
Palmerston, 0830, 0831
Palmerston City, 0830
Parap, 0804, 0820
Parap Private Boxes, 0804
Petermann, 0872
Pine Creek, 0847
Pinelands, 0829
Plenty, 0872
Rakula, 0822
Rapid Creek, 0810
Renner Springs, 0862
Rodinga, 0870
Roper River, 0852
Rosebery, 0832
Ross, 0870
Rum Jungle, 0822, 0845
Sadadeen, 0870
Sanderson, 0812, 0813
Sanderson Private Boxes, 0813
Santa Teresa, 0872
Simpson, 0870
Soudan, 0862
South Alligator, 0886
Southport, 0822
Stuart, 0870
Stuart Park, 0820
Tablelands, 0862
Tanami, 0871
Tennant Creek, 0860, 0861, 0862
The Gap, 0870
The Gardens, 0820
The Narrows, 0820
Ti Tree, 0872
Timber Creek, 0852
Tindal, 0853
Tindal RAAF, 0853
Tipperary, 0822
Tivendale, 0822
Tiwi, 0810
Tjukurla, 0872
Top Springs, 0852
Tortilla Flats, 0822
Urapuntja, 0872
Venn, 0852
Victoria River, 0852
Victoria River Downs, 0852
Virgina, 0820
Virginia, 0834, 0835
Wadeye, 0822
Wagait Beach, 0822
Wagaman, 0810
Wanarn, 0872
Wanguri, 0810
Warrabri, 0872
Watarru, 0872
Wauchope, 0862
Weddell, 0822
West Arnhem, 0822
Willowra, 0872
Winnellie, 0820, 0821, 0906
Winnellie Private Bags, 0822
Wishart, 0822
Woodleigh Gardens, 0812
Woodroffe, 0830
Woolaning, 0822
Woolner, 0820
Wulagi, 0812
Wutunugurra, 0862
Wycliffe Well, 0862
Yarralin, 0852
Yarrawonga, 0830
Yirrkala, 0880
Yuendumu, 0872
Yulara, 0872
Zuccoli, 0832